All Factions Attend and Offer Prayers in Prabowo Subianto’s Final DPR Session

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Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto had his final working meeting with Commission I of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Senayan, Jakarta, on Wednesday (September 25). The meeting, led by Chairwoman Meutya Hafid, had the highest attendance rate in recent months with 40 members physically present from all factions.

During the meeting, each faction delivered their final statements regarding the Defense Cooperation Bills with several countries. A heartwarming gesture came from Nurul Arifin of the Golkar Party faction, who presented Prabowo with a bouquet of sunflowers. The members of Commission I also offered prayers and well-wishes for Prabowo as he is set to be inaugurated as the President of Indonesia for the 2024-2029 term.

Nurul Arifin expressed her confidence in Prabowo’s leadership abilities and belief that he is the right person to lead the nation. Other members like Rizki Aulia Rahman Natakusumah from the Democratic Party faction and Muhammad Arwani Thomafi from the United Development Party (PPP) faction also showed their full support for the incoming Prabowo-Gibran administration.

Overall, the meeting was filled with positivity and support for Prabowo as he prepares to take on his new role as President of Indonesia.