Pensiun Mayor Jenderal TNI Suhartono Suratman

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By: Prabowo Subianto [taken from the Book: Military Leadership Notes from Experience Chapter I

Besides being a fencing athlete, Pak Tono is also a great shooter. He swims very well too. Usually, someone good in freefall cannot dive, or a diver is not good in freefall. However, Pak Tono excels in both freefall and diving. He is a member of the Frogmen Force (Pasukan Katak). He is also great at karate. I often say that he is an Army Officer that sets a great example and should be an idol for his men and the next generation.

When I was appointed as the Minister of Defence, I was looking for a suitable person to be the principal of Taruna Nusantara High School. I asked, ‘Pak Tono Suratman, are you willing to be the Principal of Taruna Nusantara?’

’I’m willing’. Imagine the patriotism of this man. He was once the Army Chief of Staff’s security assistant. He was once the PANGDAM of Kalimantan. He is now retired, but he is willing to be the principal of Taruna Nusantara High School.

Tono Suratman is my junior by a year. We have been together for some time. Despite our age difference, we are very close. To me, he is like my own younger brother. When we were both bachelors, he often stayed at my parents’ house in Kebayoran Baru, on Jalan Kertanegara number 4.

When I was a Company Commander (DANKI), he was Platoon Commander (DANTON) 1. We were both deployed to East Timor. He joined Nanggala 28. My codename was Kancil (mouse deer); he, on the other hand, was Kancil Satu. There, I witnessed how he excelled as a field officer.

Since he was a cadet, Pak Tono has been very active in sports. He has been on the national fencing team. He is also a member of the AKMIL swimming team; and a great shooter too.

He stood out as a young officer in KOPASSUS. When I was Deputy Commander of Detachment 81, I suggested to Pak Luhut as my superior to appoint Pak Tono as the counterterror unit’s Frogmen Command. Since then, I have often gone to the battlefield with Pak Tono.

In the course of his career, he eventually became Commander of the KOPASSUS Para-Commando group 1. He also succeeded me as Commander of KOPASSUS Education and Training Center (PUSDIKPASSUS). He also led the Rajawali task force, which consists of the best companies of all of the KODAMs. These companies were specifically trained in anti-guerrilla tactics, which we named the hunter force. After the training, the Rajawali task force was deployed to East Timor. This task force is highly effective in combat. It is the precursor of the Raider Battalion formed by General Ryamizard Ryacudu as Army Chief of Staff.


Besides being a fencing athlete, Pak Tono is also a great marksman. He is very proficient in pistol shooting, assault rifle shooting etc. He is also an excellent swimmer, no wonder, as he led the Frogmen Command of Detachment 81. He trained with the Navy’s elite Frogmen Command (KOPASKA). In addition, he is also an exceptional combat diver and freefall parachutist.

Usually, someone who is excellent in freefall cannot dive, and the other way round. However, Pak Tono excels in both. He is also great at karate. He is a well-rounded person. I often say that he is a great role model and idolised by officers and the young generation.

When I was appointed as the Minister of Defense, I was determined to improve Taruna Nusantara High School, which was established under the auspices of the Ministry of Defence. Taruna Nusantara High School was established by Pak Benny Moerdani. When I was a young officer back then, I was involved in drafting the initial concept of the school and presented it to Pak Benny Moerdani.

When I was appointed as the Minister of Defense, I looked for a suitable person to be the principal, so I asked Pak Tono. ‘Pak Tono, are you willing to be the Principal of Taruna Nusantara?’

Siap. I am willing!’, replied Pak Tono without any hesitation.

Imagine the patriotism of this man. He was once the Army Chief of Staff’s security assistant. He was once the Commander of Territorial Command in Kalimantan. He has retired, but he is willing to be the principal of Taruna Nusantara High School. He considered the school as the ‘cauldron’ to educate and train outstanding students who would later become superior leaders, instrumental to the country’s future and the nation. Pak Tono is my junior whose leadership must be taught and passed down to future generations.

In my opinion, he should have been commander of Indonesia’s Special Forces because he was a better commando officer than me, and perhaps even Commander of KOSTRAD.