Warga Denai Dituduh Membunuh Ibu Kandungnya Karena Merasa Tersinggung – Waspada Online

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MEDAN, Waspada.co.id – Wem Pratama (34), a resident of Medan Denai District, is being tried at the Medan District Court for committing the murder of his biological mother on Tuesday (7/8).

The Public Prosecutor Nurhendayani Nasution, in the indictment letter, explained the chronology of the murder that occurred on Monday (1/4/2024) around 12.00 PM intentionally and with premeditation to take the life of another person, namely Megawaty (the victim/his mother).

The prosecutor explained that the incident started when the defendant was in front of the house with his daughter on Jalan Denai Gang Tuba III No. 110, Tegal Sari Mandala II Village, Medan Denai District.

“Then, the defendant saw his mother named Megawaty returning from work as a mosquito repellent saleswoman. When she arrived in front of the house, the victim entered the house while saying to the defendant, ‘what are you doing inside the house? Just sleeping and smoking at work?’,” he explained.

The prosecutor said that the statement made the defendant upset. After that, the victim walked towards the kitchen and was followed by the defendant from behind.

Upon arriving in the kitchen and facing each other, the defendant immediately punched the victim’s face repeatedly.

“Until the victim fell to the kitchen floor with her face covered in blood and lying on the floor. Then, the defendant took a green knife from the refrigerator hood,” Nurhendayani continued.

After holding the knife, the prosecutor said, the defendant then slashed the victim’s neck and wrist arteries until blood came out.

“After that, the defendant kept the knife in the onion pile in the kitchen and left the victim while lying in the living room,” he added.

Subsequently, about 30 minutes later, the defendant felt restless and checked the condition of the victim in his kitchen. After finding out that the victim had passed away, the defendant dragged the victim under a mango tree behind the house.

“After that, the defendant cleaned the victim’s blood using a cloth taken from the kitchen. Then, the defendant took a pickaxe from the neighbor’s house under construction. After that, the defendant dug the ground to bury the victim’s body,” continued the prosecutor.

After digging the ground, the defendant then dragged the victim’s body and buried her. Then, after burying the victim, the defendant made a red-stained tombstone with the inscription “OMA MEGAN 2024” using a red marker.

“After that, the defendant burned the clothes and cloth stained with blood. After burning them, the defendant entered the house to rest,” said the prosecutor.

Furthermore, the next day precisely on Tuesday (2/4/2024) around 9:00 PM, the defendant informed his cousin named M. Reza Aditama that he had killed his mother and buried her in the backyard.

“Then, on Wednesday (3/4/2024) around 01:00 AM, police officers from Posek Medan Area came to the defendant’s house and arrested the defendant,” said the prosecutor.

As a result of this act, the defendant is charged with premeditated murder as regulated and threatened with punishment under Article 340 of the Criminal Code or alternatively violating Article 338 of the Criminal Code. (wol/ryp/d1)

Focus: Medan District Court